Mark 8:34

Mighty Servants of God. It can be easy to forget, especially if we hold formal leadership positions, that being a leader is not our identity or calling. We are first children of God, called to follow Jesus. Only as we live into our identity and calling in Jesus will we be able to lead like Him. We must never mistake ourselves as the leader of our own lives; Jesus is the leader who lives within us, the One whom we follow. Let Him lead you into your day.

Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”—Mark 8:34

Prayer: Jesus, the temptation to step into Your role as leader of our lives is always in front of us. Keep us from edging You out as our leader. Remind us that our identity is firmly rooted in You, not in our leadership positions. Make us faithful followers, we pray in Your name, amen.