Genesis 2:3
Mighty Servants of God. Rest is one of God’s values. He designed life with daily, weekly, and seasonal periods to be set aside for rest and renewal. A good night’s rest, daily times of solitude, keeping the Sabbath, sabbaticals, vacations, and spiritual retreats, all have their place in the life of a leader. As the pace of modern life increases, we need to be intentional about building this time into our lives. What do you do to refocus, reengage with your calling, fine-tune your personal mission, and rebuild your energy reserves?
Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.—Genesis 2:3
Prayer: God, show us where over-commitment to work and productivity may be undermining our leadership. We want to exalt You in all that we do. Renew us by Your Spirit. Give us strength to lead like Jesus lead as we rest our bodies, minds, and souls in You. We ask in Jesus’ name, amen.