John 12:44-45
Mighty Servants of God. Where is your trust today? Is it flourishing, God-confident, ready to take on the world? Or is today one of those days when it takes a mental effort to trust that God is at work in and through you? Jesus called the crowds to trust Him, assuring them that trust in Him is well-placed. Your salvation, your relationship with God, your empowering by the Holy Spirit, your ability to live and lead in Jesus’ name, all is secure when you trust Jesus.
Jesus shouted to the crowds, “If you trust me, you are trusting not only me, but also God who sent me. For when you see me, you are seeing the one who sent me.”—John 12:44-45
Prayer: Jesus, thank You for the assurance that we are secure in You, that You are worthy of our trust. Lead us to live and lead in Your name, so that God is exalted in and through us. We pray in Your trustworthy name, Jesus, amen.