Matthew 23:11-12

Mighty Servants of God. “The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Matthew 23:11-12

Success is not always a trustworthy friend. One of the dangers for successful leaders is to forget that they lead at God’s pleasure and as He allows them influence in the hearts and minds of others. When leaders begin to lead from a sense of entitlement, whether that stems from power, position, education, or past success, they rapidly lose credibility and influence with those around them. To earn the trust of others requires a humble attitude that seeks to serve people and the organization and cause which brings them together. What fuels your leadership?

Pray: Jesus, You epitomize the great leader who leads from a position of humility and servanthood rather than from a sense of entitlement. Help us to follow in Your footsteps as we lead, we pray in Your name, amen.