John 13:2-3
What is on your cheat sheet? You know, that short list of what is most important to you, the one that you turn to when you need extra help.
What is on your cheat sheet? You know, that short list of what is most important to you, the one that you turn to when you need extra help.
We like the “sweet as honey” part, but we don’t like the idea of a sour stomach.
One key biblical principle is that leaders must first do what they call others to do.
What glory is there in the cross? It was an instrument of torture and shame.
One of the amazing realities of serving a risen Lord is that we are never without His presence and help.
Have you ever wondered why God placed us on this planet?
Each generation becomes more addicted to the sedatives of life, to dull the pain of living.
There may be times when we as leaders find ourselves hesitating to move forward with what God has given us to do.
A true sacrament is not a mere creed, or ordinance, or form, but it is a life of service to God and to man.
How easy it is to get our eyes off our own hearts and become obsessed with the failures and frailties of others.